Every dog has its day and now so can you: 10 steps to your own special celebration

This post is for entertainment purposes only. Does not imply an endorsement of setting up your own day.

It seems like every cause, organization, food, drink, hobby, etc. now has a its very own day. There are many that most people can agree are worthy of a special place on our calendar: Earth Day on April 22, for example. Here are a few you may not have heard of:

So, what’s to stop you or me from establishing our very own day? There is an official procedure for doing so, which involves an act of Congress. But, why bother? You can declare your very own special day.

Aug. 6, may birthday, is Wiggle Your Toes Day.
Aug. 6, may birthday, is Wiggle Your Toes Day.

Here’s how:

  1. Pick a day. It’s a good idea to find a day that’s not already taken. See the website NationalWhateverDay.com to find a good one. Cost: Free. (I was sorry to learn that Aug. 6, my birthday, is already taken. It’s Wiggle Your Toes Day, origins unknown).
  2. Start a blog about your day. Do this a few months ahead of time so you can build up some buzz. Cost: Free
  3. Begin your social media campaign. Create a Facebook Page and Twitter account to get the word out and spark some engagement. Consider Instagram if your day involves something visual. For example: Your Instagram account for Nail Polish Day (there isn’t such a day yet, as far as I can tell) might feature photos of different colors of nail polish. Cost: Whatever you’d like to spend on supplies for your nails.
  4. Consider setting up a YouTube channel and posting videos. For example, you painting your nails or interviews with experts (like your favorite nail salon owner). Cost: Free, if you at least have a smart phone. Otherwise, borrow gear from a friend or consider investing in some basic equipment.
  5. Create a Wikepedia entry for your day. Cost: Free
  6. Consider hosting a launch party to which your nearest and dearest are invited. Since they presumably love–or at least like–you, they are potential evangelists for your special day. Cost: You might want to buy snacks and refreshments.
  7. Host a meetup. This is a great chance to assemble random people who share your obsession (nail polish, for example). They may also become evangelists. Cost: Again, food and beverages are great incentives. In our nail polish example, you could also promise a free bottle to the first 10 people who show up.
  8. Write and send out press releases to the media. Your list should include specialty and trade outlets that might get excited about your obsession (say, nail polish). Cost: free
  9. Take the week leading up to your day off from work. This will free you up for interviews with the media and allow you devote as much time as you need to ramping up your social media efforts. Cost: If you get paid by the hour, it’s a big sacrifice. If you are salaried, you’ll use up paid time off. Probably worth it, though.
  10. Enjoy your day! And, start ramping up for next year.

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